I find fishing reaction baits this time of year the most affective when the water temperatures are anywhere between 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit. In that 50-60 degree spectrum, baits with a tighter wobble, no rattles or less moving parts seem to work the best. As the temperatures rise, baits with a wider wobble, rattles, and more moving parts will begin to work better as the bass become more aggressive.
The bass will begin to start staging up in areas that lead into spawning grounds such as: weed flats, weed edges and first and secondary points. Typically any transition in cover or structure was proven to hold bass for me this year, such as a mil-foil to sand transition.
Something I have become accustom to while fishing reaction baits this early in the year is so fish almost everything on a low power rod that will really load up on the fish. This time of year the weeds are not up like they are in the summer, which means you do not have to worry about bringing your lure though and constantly rip of the weeds, which is when a heavy action can be beneficial. I have experienced so many times when someone or myself will rip a lure or bait out of a bass’s mouth to soon before they really have a chance to get it in their mouth. With a slower action rod you do not detect the bite as early which will slow your reaction time in setting the hook, allowing the bass to get the bait in it’s mouth more. Personally I use a 7’ Medium, Med- Fast action Abu Garcia Veracity rod. I find it to be the most versatile and affective in fishing everything from a squarebill / shallow water crank bait to a swim jig.
Next spring try out these tips and see how much more affective you can be in your bass fishing!